
The next show at SLINFOLD VILLAGE THEATRE is ELVIS IN BLUE HAWAII, on Saturday 1st February. Theatre details are available here

The next film at SLINFOLD VILLAGE CINEMA is WIDOW CLICQUOT (15), on Saturday 15th February. Cinema details are available here

Tickets for all events are available from TicketSource

Volunteers Wanted

We have an ongoing need for more volunteers to help with the day-to-day running and maintenance of the Hall. More details are given here.

Your Village Hall Needs You

Without more volunteers, we may have to use some paid labour, which could have a serious adverse effect on hall hire costs. So, if you could find a little time to help maintain this community facility for the benefit of the whole village, or would like further information, please see here.

View of Slinfold Village Hall (including new extension) from churchyard
Slinfold Village Hall
(with 'Sussex Barn'-style extension)

Slinfold Village Hall has been situated at the heart of this quintessential English village for 140 years – but the trustees have ensured that it continues to meet the requirements and expectations of modern users. The hall underwent a thorough refurbishment and extension, completed in 2001; the main hall was further enlarged in 2004; and additional improvements to the facilities continue to be pursued by the Trustees.

The Village Hall adjoins St Peter’s churchyard and is within 50 yards of the village school, shop & post office, and the Red Lyon pub.

The Main Hall accommodates up to 100, and is complemented by a modern, well-equipped Kitchen. On the first-floor of the modern extension is the Parish Room, which accommodates up to 50 in a ‘cosier’ committee-style room with its own kitchenette.

Both rooms are available for hire, separately or together, for private, community or commercial events. Slinfold residents and groups are entitled to preferential hiring rates (see under Tariffs).

Slinfold Village Hall and Church from The Street
The Village Hall and Church from The Street

Being immediately adjacent to the church (although run completely independently from the church), the hall is conveniently placed for receptions following christenings, weddings and funerals at the church. It is popular for children’s parties, and for adults’ celebrations with dining and/or dancing. There are occasional community and arts events, jumble sales, and other charity and commercial events. It is well used by local clubs and societies.

The building has:

The toilets are situated off the entrance hall, and thus are available to all, even when different groups are hiring the Main Hall and Parish Room.

Storage facilities are available for the use of regular hirers.

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Slinfold Village Hall is not responsible for the content of any external websites or other material reached by following links on this website.

This website has been designed and produced by Trevor Dayneswood.
Photographs on the website have been contributed by, and are used with the permission of, Trevor Dayneswood or Mark Singleton, except where otherwise acknowledged.

All text and images on this website are © 2004-2018 Trustees of Slinfold Village Hall, except where otherwise indicated.